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Cash flow Analysis, Money talks!

Cash flow Analysis Money talks!

One of the vital parts of the IFA service is the Cash Flow Analysis of a clients current financial position. Interestingly an IFA’s role is not simplest managing investments for return. Primarily it’s the understanding of the client’s future aspirations and what can be done now to financially underpin those aspirations.

Part of our service is the thorough detailing of the client’s financial position, including property, savings, pensions, and assets. With the cash Flow Analysis tool we are able to look at future possibilities and gauge the level of investment required to attain the aspirations. Once these details are plotted we are able to provide clients with a good indicator of what they need to do NOW to ensure their standard of living into retirement and beyond. After all Money Talks!

At each annual review, the details are updated taking into account any additional information, such as inheritance or maybe even a lottery win. This means each year our clients see the effect their investments are creating for their future. Being your IFA is so much more than simply recommending a product and time is spent each year updating and checking the suitability of each clients current investment.

Langham Associates recommends annual reviews to all its clients, so to bring your investments up to date and to start making your Money Talk into your retirement contact us on 01473 487611 or email

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