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What a difference a day makes – 24 little hours
What a difference a day makes – 24 little hours One of the hardest parts of being an IFA can be getting clients to invest their time in...

I’ll Stand by You, Won’t Let Nobody Hurt You – The duties of a Health & Welfare Attorney
I’ll Stand by You, Won’t Let Nobody Hurt You – The duties of a Health & Welfare Attorney Selecting someone as an Attorney on a Lasting...

“This Used to be the Future” – Wills and Reviewing the Past
Most people think of their Wills as something that happens in the future. Delaying the process can impact negatively on loved ones...

When the Storms of Life are Raging, Stand By Me – being Someone’s Attorney
As we grow older we all become more aware of getting our house in order and things we want to make sure we take care of. One of the most...

Investment catch out in lasting Power of Attorneys and how to protect your money.
“I Believe in Rags to Riches, Your Inheritance won’t last” Ok so perhaps Aerosmith don’t know everything, but here’s a thing, without the...

A House is more than just a Home...
.. or Whose House is it Anyway?? Ask anyone a question about the contents of a Will and the primary asset for beneficiaries is obviously...

Where there’s a Will… there’s could be a problem
With so many adults in the UK still confessing to having no Will, its easy to lecture on the necessity of such planning and the negative...

Christmas opening hours
Just to advise that our office will be closed from Friday 22nd December and re-open on Tuesday 2nd January 2018.
Merry Christmas
Wishing you all a merry Christmas from Langham Associates.
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